We are committed to meeting our customer’s expectations by supplying products and services that are reliable, meet functional requirements and are delivered on time. We are dedicated to the continuous improvement of this quality system through measurement, analysis and action. To ensure we meet this commitment we use a quality management system that consists of effective and efficient business processes. It is the responsibility of all our staff to work together to ensure we meet this commitment to quality. We communicate our quality objectives and performance against these objectives throughout the company and to interested parties.
The aim of our quality policy is to ensure that:
Customer focus
Understanding current and future customer needs
Meeting the customer’s requirements
Striving to exceed the customer’s expectations
Creating an environment where everyone can contribute to quality
Engagement with people
Making everyone aware of the need to contribute to quality
Ensuring full engagement in activities that impact quality
Process approach
Developing a commitment to describing all work in terms of processes
System approach
Managing the business as a set of interacting processes
Continual improvement
Encouraging constant refinement of processes to improve quality
Fact based management
Making decisions based on analysis of process data
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Developing close co-operative relationships with suppliers.